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INTAKE: Our social worker will assist families to obtain eligibility with the Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD), ECF, CHOICES or private pay consideration.
CASE MANAGEMENT: An Agency Support Coordinator is assigned to each service recipient to coordinate that person's ISP (Individual Support Plan) or PCSP (Person Centered Support Plan) which includes annual goals and health care needs.
HEALTH AND MEDICAL: We will manage and provide coordination of medical services with the person's primary care physician.
NURSING: A staff nurse will provide direct nursing as prescribed by the person's physician, along with health care oversight of the person's medical needs.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OR REPRESENTATIVE PAYEE SERVICE: An employee will be assigned to provide assistance in managing funds for service recipients receiving SSI, SSA or other financial income.
NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION: We will provide transportation to and from medical appointments.